National Day of Truth & Reconciliation – Resource and Event Round-Up

SEPTEMBER 30, 2021

Tomorrow is the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation, and to honour that, our social media channels will be silent. I will be meeting with our Indigenous Canada discussion group (more on that in link in bio), and taking time to explore the many resources being shared.

Above all, I remain committed to my personal pledge of reconciliation. From the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action, the one that has been taking my focus is #59, which says: We call upon church parties to the Settlement Agreement to develop ongoing education strategies to ensure that their respective congregations learn about their church’s role in colonization, the history and legacy of residential schools, and why apologies to former residential school students, their families, and communities were necessary.

ABOUT THE IMAGE used for this post: Among the various visual elements illustrating Indigenous cultures, the circle is at the center which represents being together in spirit of reconciliation. The orange colour represents truth-telling and healing. The pathway represents the road to the reconciliation. First Nations, Inuit and Métis are represented in the image: The eagle to represent First Nations peoples, The narwhal to represent Inuit, The beaded flower to represent Métis peoples.

The following is a small (non-exhaustive) list of ways to consider spending some time tomorrow, our first National Day of Truth & Reconciliation. 

  • Ta7talíya Michelle Nahanee – Catalyzing social change to transform colonial narratives & impacts with decolonial workbooks, facilitation, & design grounded in Squamish Matriarchy. Follow on Instagram here or check out the list of available Workshops, Workbooks and On-Demand Courses.
  • Introduction to Territorial Acknowledgements On-Demand Mini Course: this on demand mini-course on Territorial Acknowledgements is for everyone who wants to learn: what Territorial Acknowledgements are, why they matter, and how to create and deliver yours in a good way. Register here.
  • Watch Mashkawi-Manidoo Bimaadiziwin Spirit to Soar documentary: The film is a one-hour documentary inspired by Talaga’s book, Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death and Hard Truths in a Northern City, which was published to critical acclaim in Canada and is now taught in high schools, colleges and universities. Watch here.
  • Explore the 94 Calls to Action: In order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission makes these calls to action.
  • Check out this interactive map of First Nations in BC:
  • The Legacy of Hope Foundation has videos of survivors of residential schools telling their stories, amongst other resources. Visit here.

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