That’s what people ask me when I tell them what I do. The imposter in me feels a little like I’m being judged. I rush to rattle off the fact that I incorporated my first business at the age of 21, have an undergrad in Education, a Certificate in Coaching from the Coaches Training institute and an MBA in Management Consulting.
Better Your Business
T’is the season for reflecting on the past year, and preparing for the one ahead.
Our businesses exist in a VUCA world; volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The bottom line, humans are tricky.
The road that I took to get to Better Your best has been long and winding.
People are the not so secret to success in organizations.
Tim Gallwey, a Harvard graduate and a tennis coach made a profound observation while teaching during the ’70s.
“Own your results by owning your commitments.”
Not unlike you, I had some be goals, some champaign goals set for myself personally and professionally this year. The last few weeks have been like surfing a wave.
I’ve been told that my clients appreciate my ability to get to the essence of what they’re doing / needing / thinking quickly. They appreciate my direct and honest approach to my questioning them.